Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Datang menjamah
Senyuman dan air mata
Harap hati
Diterpa angin
Diterpa angin
Harap hati
Air mata dan senyuman
Datang menjamah?

February 2008

It isn't It is, is It? isn't It?

It isn't the bliss that hurts the most
It's the scar, it reminds you of all that..

It isn't the feeling that can kill you softly
But the time of longing, doubting the filching miser

Miser, not miser of wealth
It's not something you can let the age to steal

It's bouncing. anon
It isn't bouncing anywhere but inside here

It's jabbering alone
It isn't but it is roaming alone..

It is embracing the sweet fall
counting the hidden tears

It is a lie if it isn't true
Trying to hold the torrents and not to blab

Far off far off
It isn't but it feels like it is

Is it really isn't?
My heart is a strife and it strives

It is?
It isn't?

No mirth of one answer I possess
Yet it is how it feels

February 25th, 2008

Di Depanku

Sama seperti gerimis
bagiku terlihat seperti langit yang menangis
Hati ini mendung, teriris
kala kegelisahan ini kucoba tepis

Langit yang muram, abu-abu
menyangsikan hatiku, hatiku yag sendu
Adakah kau rasa sejuta rindu,
seperti punyaku yang setiap hari merasuk kalbu?

Pohon-pohon tiada berdaun
Mencoba bertahan lewati dinginnya tahun
Rasaku laksana ranting-ranting itu
banyak namun beragam juga mudah rapuh

Setiap kali kuingat kamu..

Mencoba bertahan ditengah raguku
Ingin kutahu sebesit warna hatimu
Apa warnanya juga abu-abu,
layaknya hatiku yang sepenuh hati mendambamu?

Ah, apa daya yang kupunya?
Hanya bisa kubertanya,
pada mentari yang sembunyi entah di mana
Biarkan aku mendamba jiwamu yang indah
Karena jujur hanya itu saja
yang membuat hari mendung terasa cerah

February 11th, 2008

Sayu dan Kuyu

Kadang rasa tak terucap
Walau hasrat telah meluap
Namun baik adanya bila didekap
Meski jiwa ini sesak terjerat

Sering asa baik disimpan saja
Sampai remuk kita redam gejolak yang ada
Tersembunyi tapi tetap terasa semua
Tiada kata tak bermakna sayang tak ada

Ruang rindu
Buatku sayu dan kuyu

March 2008

My Summer Wind

My summer wind
The one that will only be a never ending dream
Summer wind, is for the summer flower
Not for the daffodil that’s getting older

Summer wind..
He is too warm for the daffodil
As she is the queen of the spring
Summer wind will only make her dying

Summer doesn’t last long
Daffodil doesn’t live long either
They are like a simple love song
Beautifully made but has no appreciator

Summer wind is obviously not for the daffodil
Even he plays around, even he brings the warmth
Daffodil still doesn’t belong to the summer
She is married to the cold-heart winter

You can’t play with my daffodil forever
Go away and play with your summer flower
The way you celebrate your love everyday
Making you even more lost in your own way

Stop hurting each other
With a rhyme of romance that will never ever be sung
Daffodil can’t live till summer
And the summer wind..
Has to blow somewhere

April, 7th 2007